Saving Lives and Jeans: World record attempt, the story of Vincent van der Holst & BOAS

Saving Lives and Jeans: World record attempt, the story of Vincent van der Holst & BOAS

On the 7th of June 2024, Vincent van der Holst, is cycling 130km without hands in an attempt to break a world record while raising funds for Against Malaria Foundation. Donate towards his fundraising goal (US tax-deductibility only).

In the fast fashion landscape, Vincent van der Holst stands out as a practical leader, guiding the way toward a more conscious way of doing business. As the brain behind BOAS, a vintage fashion platform that donates 90% of its profits to save lives, his goal is to use profit for good.

Vin’s story is one of triumph over adversity, having battled anxiety and burnout. When he’s not working he’s a passionate cyclist. He once pedaled from Amsterdam to Paris in a single day, demonstrating his determination. Now, he’s gearing up for a world record attempt, although he’s not yet disclosing his plans.

Beyond that, Vincent is a champion for sustainability and social enterprises. With a focus on “profit for good”, he’s an advocate of businesses using their profits to make the world better.


The profit for good model

A profit for good business is one in which almost all or all of the profits generated are donated to  solving social or environmental issues.

Imagine you’re buying a washing machine. The profits usually go to the company’s shareholders, who are typically well-off people. They may use them to buy an expensive car or a yacht. Now imagine you’re buying a washing machine with the same price and abilities from a profit for good company. The profits will go to a charity or cause: for instance, improving healthcare services in disadvantaged communities. This way, you’re buying the new washing machine you need, and you’re contributing to making a positive social impact, at no additional cost to you. And this is not a hypothetical example, Bosch is actually a profit for good company that has donated more than 1 billion dollars to charities over its lifetime.

To make a positive change, consumers don’t have to give up buying. They don’t even have to reduce how much or how often they’re buying. They can simply purchase the same things from companies that prioritize social and environmental responsibility. Companies like Patagonia, which directs its profits towards addressing climate change, Bosch, or Newman’s Own, a company that donates profits to feed hungry children. In this way, we can live in a world where capitalism generates wealth to address global challenges, rather than generating profits for profits’ sake.


 The birth of BOAS

Vin founded BOAS in 2021 based on this model. Through BOAS, he introduced a new approach to the fashion industry, selling vintage jeans and donating 90% of the profits to save lives. Every year, 5 million children die from preventable diseases. BOAS’s mission is to prevent deaths by donating profits to life-saving organizations such as the Against Malaria Foundation. To do that, they are revolutionizing the vintage fashion market, making it 10 times faster. BOAS manages their supply, so their customers can have access to consistent product pictures, accurate sizing, same-day shipping and free returns, without having to go through the hassle of discussing with sellers.


How it works

BOAS employees get their fair wages, some of the money is reinvested in the business, taxes are paid, and 90% of the remaining profits are donated to charity. When Vin is asked why, he replies “because it’s simply the right thing to do”.

The company’s growth is supported by philanthropists, and they make sure they donate to top-performing organizations by collaborating with The Life You Can Save. Although BOAS is still taking its first steps and not yet profitable, they’re growing quickly and with the help of generous customers they’re already making donations, having just saved their first life, while saving thousands of jeans from being burned or dumped. The company is currently raising funding and has opened a crowdfunding campaign, so everybody can participate. You can join here from as little as €100, following Peter Singer who has already joined to support BOAS’s mission to save jeans and lives. Or, of course, go to their website and save vintage jeans!

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About the author:

Vincent van der Holst


Meet Vincent van der Holst, the founder of BOAS - Save Jeans. Save Lives. BOAS is a fast vintage fashion platform that saves jeans from landfill and donates 90% of its profits to save lives. Vin is an avid cyclist and advocate for using the world's profits to save lives and the planet. He's been featured by TEDx, The Bangkok Post, Rutger Bregman, Peter Singer and the Bangkok Post where he shared his insights on how businesses can harness their profits as a force for positive impact in the world.

The views expressed in blog posts are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Peter Singer or The Life You Can Save.